Step 1: View the fMAX Timing Analysis Report

The fmax section of the Compilation Report shows the frequency requirements and worst-case speed performance of your design.

To open the fmax section of the Compilation Report, follow these steps:

  1. If necessary, to open the Compilation Report, choose Compilation Report (Processing menu).

  2. In the left pane of the Compilation Report window, click the + icon to expand the Timing Analyses folder.

  3. Under the Timing Analyses folder, select the fmax section. The fMAX information appears in a table.

  4. To expand the list and display the destination registers associated with the clock, click the + icon next to the clk clock name. By default, the list expands to show the 10 slowest destination registers.

Go to: You can go to "Specifying Timing Analysis Reporting Restrictions" in Quartus II Help for information about customizing timing analysis reporting.

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Step 2: List the fMAX timing paths.