Step 3: Assign the Clock Settings to a Pin

Once you have defined an absolute or derived clock setting, you must assign the setting to the appropriate clock signal(s) in the design. In the Quartus II software, you can use the Assignment Organizer command (Assignments menu) to create, delete, edit, and view the assignments in the project.

To assign the clocka settings to the clk pin, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Assignment Organizer (Assignments menu). The By Node tab of the Assignment Organizer dialog box appears automatically.

  2. Under Mode, select Edit specific entity and node settings for.

  3. Show Me

  4. Under Mode, click Browse (...) next to the Name box. The Node Finder dialog box appears.

  5. To find the clock signal name to which you want to assign the clock settings, in the Node Finder dialog box, select Pins: all in the Filter list and then click Start.

  6. Show Me

  7. In the Nodes Found list, double-click the clk pin name.

  8. To copy the clk pin name to the Assignment Organizer dialog box and close the Node Finder dialog box, click OK.

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Assign the Clock Settings to a Pin (cont.).