Step 2: Specify altsyncram Ports & Parameters

To specify the altsyncram ports and parameters, follow these steps:

  1. Specify the following responses to the wizard prompts in MegaWizard Plug-In Manager - ALTSYNCRAM pages 3 through 5:

  2. Wizard Prompt: Response: Page:
    How will you be using the altsyncram? Select With one read port. 3
    How do you want to specify the memory size? Make sure As a number of bits is selected. 3
    How many bits of memory? Make sure 256 is selected. 4
    How wide should the 'q_a' output bus be? Select 16. 4
    Which clocking method do you want to use? Make sure Single clock is selected. 5

  3. Click Next. MegaWizard Plug-In Manager - ALTSYNCRAM [Page 7 of 10] appears.

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Specify altsyncram Ports & Parameters (cont.).