Specify altsyncram Ports & Parameters (cont.)

To continue specifying the altsyncram ports and parameters, follow these steps:

  1. Specify the following responses to the remaining wizard prompts in MegaWizard Plug-In Manager - ALTSYNCRAM pages 7 through 9:

  2. Wizard Prompt: Response: Page:
    Which ports should be registered? Turn on Read output port(s) 'q'. 7
    What should the RAM block type be? Make sure Auto is selected. 9
    Do you want to specify the initial contents of the memory? Select Yes and specify the Altera-provided D:\qdesigns\stratix\ram_0c.mif file in the File name box. 9

    Show Me
    MegaWizard Plug-In Manager

    MegaWizard Plug-In Manager

  3. Click Next. The Summary page lists the files that are created for the megafunction.

  4. To generate the symbol and return to the Symbol dialog box, click Finish. A preview of the new ram_0c symbol appears in the Symbol dialog box.

  5. Show Me
    Symbol Dialog Box

    Symbol Dialog Box

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Step 3: Instantiate the altsyncram Megafunction in the design.