Specify the LVDS Receiver Ports & Parameters (cont.)

To continue specifying the ports and parameters for the LVDS receiver megafunction, follow these steps:

  1. In MegaWizard Plug-In Manager - ALTLVDS [page 4 of 5], make sure Use the rx_pll_enable input port and Use the "rx_data_align" input port options are turned off under Input Ports.

  2. Make sure Register outputs is turned on.

  3. Under Output Ports, make sure Use the rx_locked output port is turned off.

  4. Turn off Use Common PLLs for Rx and Tx.

  5. Show Me
    MegaWizard Plug-In Manager ALTLVDS [page 3 0f 5]

    MegaWizard Plug-In Manager ALTLVDS [page 3 0f 5]

  6. Make sure AUTO is selected in the rx_outclock resource list.

  7. Click Next. The Summary page lists the files that are created for the megafunction.

  8. To generate the symbol and return to the Symbol dialog box, click Finish. A preview of the new lvds_in megafunction symbol appears in the Symbol dialog box.

  9. Show Me
    Symbol Dialog Box

    Symbol Dialog Box

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Step 3: Instantiate the LVDS Receiver in the Design.