Step 2: Make Node Connections

To make node connections, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Selection and Smart Drawing Tool button on the toolbar.

  2. Click the pinstub of the lvds_clock input pin to define the start of the node, and then drag the pointer to draw a line that connects to the rx_inclock input port of the lvds_in symbol.

  3. Repeat step 2 to make the additional node connections between the symbols shown in the following table:

  4. Make Node Connection From: To:
    rx_outclock output port of lvds_in symbol wrclk input clock port of fifo symbol
    Input pinstub of VCC symbol wrreq input port of fifo symbol
    Input pinstub of VCC symbol rdreq input port of fifo symbol

    Show Me
    Node Connections

    Node Connections

  5. Choose Save (File menu).

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Step 3: Make Connections by Name.