Step 5: Edit the d Input Node Waveform

To edit the d input bus waveform, follow these steps:

  1. To select the entire d input bus waveform, click the Selection and Smart Drawing Tool on the waveform's handle. The entire bus, including the waveform, is highlighted.

  2. Choose Value > Arbitrary Value (Edit menu). The Arbitrary Value dialog box appears.

  3. In the Radix list, select Unsigned Decimal.

  4. In the Numeric or named value list, type 16.

  5. Show Me

  6. Click OK. When a message asks if you want to change the radix of the other nodes in the d input bus waveform, click Yes. The d input bus waveform is displayed with an unsigned decimal value of 16.

  7. Show Me

    d Input Bus Radix Displayed as Unsigned Decimal

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Step 6: Edit the newt Input Node Waveform.