Step 3: Edit the clk Input Node Waveform

You create the input vectors for simulation by specifying the logic levels of the node waveforms. The logic level changes represent the behavior of signals in the design.

To edit the clk input node waveform, follow these steps:

  1. If necessary, click the Selection and Smart Drawing Tool button on the toolbar.

  2. To select the entire clk input node waveform, click the Selection and Smart Drawing Tool on the "handle" of the clk node. The entire node, including the waveform, is highlighted.

  3. Show Me

    Waveform Editor with clk Waveform Selected

  4. Choose Value > Clock (Edit menu). The Clock dialog box appears.

  5. Under Base waveform on, select Clock settings and select clocka in the list.

  6. Show Me

    Clock Dialog Box

  7. Click OK. The clk waveform is created according to the clocka clock settings.

  8. Show Me

    New clk Waveform

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Step 4: Edit the clkx2 Input Node Waveform.