Step 3: Configure the Device

To configure the device(s), follow these steps:

  1. To attach the appropriate communications cable to your PC or UNIX workstation, perform one of the following steps:

  2. Checkmark To program with a MasterBlaster download cable, attach the MasterBlaster cable to an RS-232 cable connected to a serial RS-232 port on the PC or UNIX workstation, or a USB cable connected to a USB port on the PC.
    Checkmark To program with a ByteBlasterMV download cable, attach the ByteBlasterMV cable to a fully populated DB25-to-DB25 cable connected to a parallel port.

  3. Click Start in the Programmer window. When you receive a message indicating that the configuration is complete, click OK.

Go to: Refer to the Quartus II Installation & Licensing for PCs manual or the Quartus II Installation & Licensing for UNIX and Linux Workstations manual for more information about setting up programming hardware.

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Step 4: Change Programming Modes.