Step 7: Map Signals Explicitly

You must now map four other connections explicitly so that the Quartus II software can properly connect the mult symbol to other blocks in the file.

To map other connections between I/O signals in blocks to differently named I/O signals in other blocks, follow these steps:

  1. On the bus that connects the taps block to the dataa[7..0] input on the mult symbol, double-click the mapper symbol at the end of the bus on the taps block.

    Show Me

    Mapper Symbol

    When you double-click the mapper symbol, the General tab in the Mapper Properties dialog box appears automatically.

  2. In the Type list, select OUTPUT.

  3. Show Me

    General Tab in the Mapper Properties Dialog Box

  4. Click the Mappings tab.

  5. In the I/O on block list, select x[7..0].

  6. In the Signals in bus box, type dataa[7..0].

  7. To map the connection, click Add. The mapping appears in the Existing mappings list.

  8. Show Me

    Mappings Tab in the Mapper Properties Dialog Box

  9. Click OK. The signal dataa[7..0] is added to the bus, and a mapper table appears that shows the mapping information. This mapping is necessary to indicate which signals should feed the dataa[7..0] input port of the mult symbol.

  10. Show Me

    Mapper Table

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Map Signals Explicitly (cont.).