Step 6: Map Signals by Name

This procedure shows how to map a total of six signals that are not mapped automatically. You first assign appropriate names to two signals in order to establish connections by name. Next, you specify explicit mappings for four other signals.

To assign appropriate names to some of the signals so they can be logically connected, follow these steps:

  1. With the Selection and Smart Drawing Tool, select the node that connects the state_m block to the D input of the DFF primitive.

  2. Choose Properties (right button pop-up menu). The General tab of the Node Properties dialog box appears automatically.

  3. In the Name box, type next as the name of the node.

  4. Show Me

    General Tab in the Conduit Properties Dialog Box

  5. Click OK. The signal next is added automatically to the node, and the name appears above the node line. Adding this name creates a logical connection between the state_m block and the D input of the DFF primitive.

  6. Follow steps 1 through 4 to name the node that feeds the Clock input of the DFF primitive. Name the node clk, so that you can create a logical connection, or a "connection by name," from the INPUT pin clk to the Clock input of the DFF primitive.

  7. Choose Save (File menu).

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Step 7: Map Signals Explicitly.