Overview: Mapping Signals between Blocks

The Quartus II software offers different ways to map signals between blocks and symbols:

Mapping Method: Description:
"Smart" mapping If the I/O signal names in one block are the same as in another block, the common I/Os between the blocks are connected automatically in a conduit. You do not need to label these conduits. To prevent an automatic mapping, you can specify that a particular block's I/O port should be mapped to "nothing."
Assigning names to nodes or buses (including "connection by name")

If the I/O names are different between the blocks or symbols you want to connect, you can assign a name to the node or bus that matches the name of one of the block's I/O ports to establish a mapping between that port and the node or bus.

Assigning a name is especially useful if you want to connect a conduit to another conduit, even though those conduits are not physically connected. To create a mapping between these conduits and their blocks, you must first make sure that each conduit is connected to a block on one end, but is physically unconnected to any other block or symbol. If you then assign matching names to both conduits (assuming that those names also match I/O ports in the connected blocks), you can establish a "connection by name" between the two conduits and their blocks. You can also use a similar method to connect two nodes by name.

Using "mappers" to specify mappings explicitly If the I/O names are different in the blocks you want to connect, and the blocks are physically connected by a conduit, you can specify the mappings explicitly. You can map the block I/O name to a signal on the conduit and map that signal to the block I/O name you want to connect.

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Mapping Signals between Blocks (cont.).