Step 4: Enter Primitive Symbols

A BDF can contain both block symbols, like those you have already created in this tutorial, and "ordinary" schematic symbols. The Quartus II software provides symbols for a variety of logic functions—including primitives, Library of Parameterized Modules (LPM) functions, and other megafunctions—that you can use in the Block Editor.

Follow these steps to enter a DFF (D flipflop) symbol in the filtref.bdf file:

  1. Double-click any empty space in the Block Editor window. The Symbol dialog box appears.

  2. In the Libraries list, click the + icon to expand the d:\quartus\libraries folder. Similarly, expand the primitives folder, and then expand the storage folder.

  3. In the storage folder, select the dff primitive. A preview of the new symbol appears in the Symbol dialog box.

  4. Show Me

    Symbol Dialog Box

    NOTE As shortcut for steps 2 and 3, you can simply type dff in the Name box.

  5. Click OK. An outline of the DFF symbol is now attached to the pointer.

  6. Click the pointer at the desired location in the Block Editor window to insert the DFF symbol into the design file.

  7. Repeat steps 1 through 5 to enter a DFFE symbol in the filtref.bdf file.

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Step 5: Enter a Megafunction Symbol.