Section 1: Specify Compiler Settings

The Quartus II software allows you to compile an entire design, or to compile any constituent part of a design. The "compilation focus," which is the design entity you want to compile, can be selected from any portion of a project's hierarchy.

When you create a new project, the Quartus II software creates default Compiler settings that specify the compilation focus, the type of compilation to perform, the device to target, and other options.

You can also create your own customized Compiler settings for specifying these options. You can switch between different Compiler settings when you compile a design.

NOTE The procedures in this session explain how to view and edit Compiler settings using the Settings dialog box (Assignments menu). However, you can also specify Compiler settings by following the steps in the Compiler Settings Wizard (Assignments menu).

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Step 1: View the Compiler General Settings.