Step 2: Display Routing Information

To show node fan-in and fan-out, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Routing > Show Node Fan-Out (View menu).

  2. Select any one of the used logic cells in the floorplan. By default, the the fan-out is shown in green. The arrows in the fan-out lines indicate the direction of the signal flow.

  3. Show Me

    Example of Routing Information Displayed in the Last Compilation Floorplan

  4. To display the routing delays, choose Routing > Show Routing Delays (View menu). The routing delays associated with the selected logic cell appear in the floorplan alongside the fan-in and fan-out paths.

  5. When you are finished viewing the fan-in and fan-out paths, turn off Routing > Show Node Fan-Out (View menu).

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Step 3: Display Equation Information.