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altmult_add (Multiply-Add) Megafunction

Parameterized multiply-add megafunction. The altmult_add megafunction consists of one or more multipliers feeding a parallel adder.

This topic contains the following information:

AHDL Function Prototype (port name and order also apply to Verilog HDL):

      clock3, clock2, clock1, clock0, aclr3, aclr2, aclr1, aclr0, ena3, ena2, ena1, ena0, signa, signb, addnsub1,
   RETURNS (result[WIDTH_RESULT - 1..0], scanouta[WIDTH_A - 1..0], scanoutb[WIDTH_B - 1..0]);

VHDL Component Declaration:

COMPONENT altmult_add 
      (WIDTH_A                    : INTEGER := 3;
      WIDTH_B                     : INTEGER := 3;
      WIDTH_RESULT                : INTEGER := 16;
      INPUT_REGISTER_A0           : STRING  := "CLOCK0";
      INPUT_ACLR_A0               : STRING  := "ACLR3";
      INPUT_SOURCE_A0             : STRING  := "DATAA";
      INPUT_REGISTER_A1           : STRING  := "CLOCK0";
      INPUT_ACLR_A1               : STRING  := "ACLR3";
      INPUT_SOURCE_A1             : STRING  := "DATAA";
      INPUT_REGISTER_A2           : STRING  := "CLOCK0";
      INPUT_ACLR_A2               : STRING  := "ACLR3";
      INPUT_SOURCE_A2             : STRING  := "DATAA";
      INPUT_REGISTER_A3           : STRING  := "CLOCK0";
      INPUT_ACLR_A3               : STRING  := "ACLR3";
      INPUT_SOURCE_A3             : STRING  := "DATAA";
      REPRESENTATION_A            : STRING  := "UNSIGNED";
      SIGNED_REGISTER_A           : STRING  := "CLOCK0";
      SIGNED_ACLR_A               : STRING  := "ACLR3";
      INPUT_REGISTER_B0           : STRING  := "CLOCK0";
      INPUT_ACLR_B0               : STRING  := "ACLR3";
      INPUT_SOURCE_B0             : STRING  := "DATAB";
      INPUT_REGISTER_B1           : STRING  := "CLOCK0";
      INPUT_ACLR_B1               : STRING  := "ACLR3";
      INPUT_SOURCE_B1             : STRING  := "DATAB";
      INPUT_REGISTER_B2           : STRING  := "CLOCK0";
      INPUT_ACLR_B2               : STRING  := "ACLR3";
      INPUT_SOURCE_B2             : STRING  := "DATAB";
      INPUT_REGISTER_B3           : STRING  := "CLOCK0";
      INPUT_ACLR_B3               : STRING  := "ACLR3";
      INPUT_SOURCE_B3             : STRING  := "DATAB";
      REPRESENTATION_B            : STRING  := "UNSIGNED";
      SIGNED_REGISTER_B           : STRING  := "CLOCK0";
      SIGNED_ACLR_B               : STRING  := "ACLR3";
      MULTIPLIER_ACLR0            : STRING  := "ACLR3";
      MULTIPLIER_ACLR1            : STRING  := "ACLR3";
      MULTIPLIER_ACLR2            : STRING  := "ACLR3";
      MULTIPLIER_ACLR3            : STRING  := "ACLR3";
      ADDNSUB_MULTIPLIER_ACLR1                 : STRING := "ACLR3";
      ADDNSUB_MULTIPLIER_ACLR3                 : STRING := "ACLR3";
      MULTIPLIER1_DIRECTION                    : STRING := "ADD";
      MULTIPLIER3_DIRECTION                    : STRING := "ADD";
      OUTPUT_REGISTER                          : STRING := "CLOCK0";
      OUTPUT_ACLR                              : STRING := "ACLR0"; 

        datab                            : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(NUMBER_OF_MULTIPLIERS * WIDTH_B -1 DOWNTO 0);
        clock3, clock2, clock1, clock0   : IN STD_LOGIC := '1';
        aclr3, aclr2, aclr1, aclr0       : IN STD_LOGIC := '0';
        ena3, ena2, ena1, ena0           : IN STD_LOGIC := '1';
        signa, signb                     : IN STD_LOGIC := '0';
        addnsub1, addnsub3               : IN STD_LOGIC := 'Z';
        result                           : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(WIDTH_RESULT -1 DOWNTO 0);
        scanouta                         : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (WIDTH_A -1 DOWNTO 0);
        scanoutb                         : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (WIDTH_B -1 DOWNTO 0));




LIBRARY altera_mf;
USE altera_mf.altera_mf_components.all;


Port Descriptions:


Port Name Required Description Comments
dataa Yes Data input to the multiplier. Input port [NUMBER_OF_MULTIPLIERS * WIDTH_A - 1..0] wide.
datab Yes Data input to the multiplier. Input port [NUMBER_OF_MULTIPLIERS * WIDTH_B - 1..0] wide.
clock0 No The first clock input, usable by any register in the megafunction.  
clock1 No The first clock input, usable by any register in the megafunction.  
clock2 No The first clock input, usable by any register in the megafunction.  
clock3 No The first clock input, usable by any register in the megafunction.  
aclr0 No The first asynchronous clear input.  
aclr1 No The second asynchronous clear input.  
aclr2 No The third asynchronous clear input.  
aclr3 No The fourth asynchronous clear input.  
ena0 No Clock enable for the clock0 port.  
ena1 No Clock enable for clock1 port.  
ena2 No Clock enable for clock2 port.  
ena3 No Clock enable for clock3 port.  
signa No Specifies the numerical representation of the dataa[] port. If the signa port is high, the multiplier treats the dataa[] port as a signed two's complement number. If the signa port is low, the multiplier treats the dataa[] port as an unsigned number.
signb No Specifies the numerical representation of the datab[] port. If the signb port is high, the multiplier treats the datab[] port as a signed two's complement number. If the signb port is low, the multiplier treats the datab[] port as an unsigned number.
addnsub1 No Controls the functionality of the adder. If the addnsub1 port is high, the adder performs an add function. If the addnsub1 port is low, the adder performs a subtract function.
addnsub3 No Controls the functionality of the adder. If the addnsub3 port is high, the adder performs an add function. If the addnsub3 port is low, the adder performs a subtract function.


Port Name Required Description Comments
result[] Yes Multiplier output port. Output port [WIDTH_RESULT-1..0]wide.
scanouta[] No Output of the first shift register. Output port [WIDTH_A-1..0]wide.
scanoutb[] No Output of the second shift register. Output port [WIDTH_B-1..0]wide.

Parameter Descriptions:

Parameter Type Required Comments
NUMBER_OF_MULTIPLIERS String Yes Number of multipliers to be added. Values are 1-4.
WIDTH_A String Yes Width of the dataa[] operand of each multiplier.
WIDTH_B String Yes Width of the datab[] port.
WIDTH_RESULT String Yes Width of the result[] port.
INPUT_REGISTER_A0 String No Specifies the clock port for the the dataa[] operand of the first multiplier . Values are "UNREGISTERED", "CLOCK0", "CLOCK1", "CLOCK2", and "CLOCK3". If omitted, the default is "CLOCK0".
INPUT_ACLR_A0 String No Specifies the asynchronous clear for the the dataa[] operand of the first multiplier . Values are "ACLR0", "ACLR1", "ACLR2", and "ACLR3". If omitted, the default is "ACLR0".
INPUT_SOURCE_A0 String No Specifies the data source to the first multiplier. Values are "DATAA" and "SCANA". If this parameter is set to "DATAA", then the adder uses the values from the dataa[] port. If this parameter is set to "SCANA", then the adder uses values from the scan chain. If omitted, the default is "DATAA".
INPUT_REGISTER_A1 String No Specifies the clock port for the dataa[] operand of the second multiplier. Values are "UNREGISTERED", "CLOCK0", "CLOCK1", "CLOCK2", and "CLOCK3". If omitted, the default is "CLOCK1".
INPUT_ACLR_A1 String No Specifies the asynchronous clear for the dataa[] operand of the second multiplier. Values are "ACLR0", "ACLR1", "ACLR2", and "ACLR3". If omitted, the default is "ACLR3".
INPUT_SOURCE_A1 String No Specifies the data source to the second multiplier. Values are "DATAA" and "SCANA". If this parameter is set to "DATAA", then the adder uses the values from the dataa[] port. If this parameter is set to "SCANA", then the adder uses values from the scan chain. If omitted, the default is "DATAA".
INPUT_REGISTER_A2 String No Specifies the clock port for the dataa[] operand of the third multiplier. Values are "UNREGISTERED", "CLOCK0", "CLOCK1", "CLOCK2", and "CLOCK3". If omitted, the default is "CLOCK0".
INPUT_ACLR_A2 String No Specifies the asynchronous clear for the dataa[] operand of the third multiplier. Values are "ACLR0", "ACLR1", "ACLR2", and "ACLR3". If omitted, the default is "ACLR3".
INPUT_SOURCE_A2 String No Specifies the data source to the third multiplier. Values are "DATAA" and "SCANA". If this parameter is set to "DATAA", then the adder uses the values from the dataa[] port. If this parameter is set to "SCANA", then the adder uses values from the scan chain. If omitted, the default is "DATAA".
INPUT_REGISTER_A3 String No Specifies the clock port for the dataa[] operand of the fourth multiplier. Values are "UNREGISTERED", "CLOCK0", "CLOCK1", "CLOCK2", and "CLOCK3". If omitted, the default is "CLOCK0".
INPUT_ACLR_A3 String No Specifies the asynchronous clear for the dataa[] operand of the fourth multiplier. Values are "ACLR0", "ACLR1", "ACLR2", and "ACLR3". If omitted, the default is "ACLR3".
INPUT_SOURCE_A3 String No Specifies the data source to the fourth and all subsequent multipliers. Values are "DATAA" and "SCANA". If this parameter is set to "DATAA", then the adder uses the values from the dataa[] port. If this parameter is set to "SCANA", then the adder uses values from the scan chain. If omitted, the default is "DATAA".
REPRESENTATION_A String No Specifies the numerical representation of the dataa[] port. Values are "UNSIGNED" and "SIGNED". When this parameter is set to "UNSIGNED", the adder interprets the dataa[] input as an unsigned number. When this parameter is set to "SIGNED", the adder interprets the dataa[] input as a signed two's complement number. If the signa port is used, this parameter is ignored. If omitted, the default is "UNSIGNED".
SIGNED_REGISTER_A String No Specifies the clock signal for the first register on the signa port. Values are "UNREGISTERED", "CLOCK0", "CLOCK1", "CLOCK2", and "CLOCK3". If the signa port is unused, this parameter is ignored. If omitted, the default is "CLOCK0".
SIGNED_ACLR_A String No Specifies the asynchronous clear signal for the first register on the signa port. Values are "ACLR0", "ACLR1", "ACLR2", and "ACLR3". If the signa port is unused, this parameter is ignored. If omitted, the default is "ACLR3".
SIGNED_PIPELINE_REGISTER_A String No Specifies the clock signal for the second register on signa port. Values are "UNREGISTERED", "CLOCK0", "CLOCK1", "CLOCK2", and "CLOCK3". If the signa port is unused, this parameter is ignored. If omitted, the default is "CLOCK0".
SIGNED_PIPELINE_ACLR_A String No Specifies the asynchronous clear signal for the second register on signa port. Values are "ACLR0", "ACLR1", "ACLR2", and "ACLR3". If the signa port is unused, this parameter is ignored. If omitted, the default is "ACLR3".
INPUT_REGISTER_B0 String No Specifies the clock port for the datab[] operand of the first multiplier. Values are "UNREGISTERED", "CLOCK0", "CLOCK1", "CLOCK2", and "CLOCK3". If omitted, the default is "CLOCK0".
INPUT_ACLR_B0 String No Specifies the asynchronous clear for the datab[] operand of the first multiplier. Values are "ACLR0", "ACLR1", "ACLR2", and "ACLR3". If omitted, the default is "ACLR3".
INPUT_SOURCE_B0 String No Specifies the data source to the first multiplier. Values are "DATAB" and "SCANB". If this parameter is set to "DATAB", then the adder uses the values from the datab[] port. If this parameter is set to "SCANB", then the adder uses values from the scan chain. If omitted, the default is "DATAB".
INPUT_REGISTER_B1 String No Specifies the clock port for the datab[] operand of the second multiplier. Values are "UNREGISTERED", "CLOCK0", "CLOCK1", "CLOCK2", and "CLOCK3". If omitted, the default is "CLOCK0".
INPUT_ACLR_B1 String No Specifies the asynchronous clear for the datab[] operand of the second multiplier. Values are "ACLR0", "ACLR1", "ACLR2", and "ACLR3". If omitted, the default is "ACLR3"
INPUT_SOURCE_B1 String No Specifies the data source to the second multiplier. Values are "DATAB" and "SCANB". If this parameter is set to "DATAB", then the adder uses the values from the datab[] port. If this parameter is set to "SCANB", then the adder uses values from the scan chain. If omitted, the default is "DATAB".
INPUT_REGISTER_B2 String No Specifies the clock port for the datab[] operand of the third multiplier. Values are "UNREGISTERED", "CLOCK0", "CLOCK1", "CLOCK2", and "CLOCK3". If omitted, the default is "CLOCK0".
INPUT_ACLR_B2 String No Specifies the asynchronous clear for the datab[] operand of the third multiplier. Values are "ACLR0", "ACLR1", "ACLR2", and "ACLR3". If omitted, the default is "ACLR3".
INPUT_SOURCE_B2 String No Specifies the data source to the third multiplier. Values are "DATAB" and "SCANB". If this parameter is set to "DATAB", then the adder uses the values from the datab[] port. If this parameter is set to "SCANB", then the adder uses values from the scan chain. If omitted, the default is "DATAB".
INPUT_REGISTER_B3 String No Specifies the clock port for the datab[] operand of the fourth multiplier. Values are "UNREGISTERED", "CLOCK0", "CLOCK1", "CLOCK2", and "CLOCK3". If omitted, the default is "CLOCK3".
INPUT_ACLR_B3 String No Specifies the asynchronous clear for the datab[] operand of the fourth multiplier. Values are "ACLR0", "ACLR1", "ACLR2", and "ACLR3". If omitted, the default is "ACLR3".
INPUT_SOURCE_B3 String No Specifies the data source to the the fourth and all subsequent multipliers. Values are "DATAB" and "SCANB". If this parameter is set to "DATAB", then the adder uses the values from the datab[] port. If this parameter is set to "SCANB", then the adder uses values from the scan chain. If omitted, the default is "DATAB".
REPRESENTATION_B String No Specifies the numerical representation of the datab[] port. Values are "UNSIGNED" and "SIGNED". When this parameter is set to "UNSIGNED", the adder interprets the datab[] input as an unsigned number. When this parameter is set to "SIGNED", the adder interprets the datab[] input as a signed two's complement number. If the signb port is used, this parameter is ignored. If omitted, the default is "UNSIGNED".
SIGNED_REGISTER_B String No Specifies the clock signal for the first register on the signb port. Values are "UNREGISTERED", "CLOCK0", "CLOCK1", "CLOCK2", and "CLOCK3". If the signb port is unused, this parameter is ignored. If omitted, the default is "CLOCK0".
SIGNED_ACLR_B String No Specifies the asynchronous clear signal for the first register on the signb port. Values are "ACLR0", "ACLR1", "ACLR2", and "ACLR3". If the signb port is unused, this parameter is ignored. If omitted, the default is "ACLR3".
SIGNED_PIPELINE_REGISTER_B String No Specifies the clock signal for the second register on signb port. Values are "UNREGISTERED", "CLOCK0", "CLOCK1", "CLOCK2", and "CLOCK3". If the signb port is unused, this parameter is ignored. If omitted, the default is "CLOCK0".
SIGNED_PIPELINE_ACLR_B String No Specifies the asynchronous clear signal for the second register on signb port. Values are "ACLR0", "ACLR1", "ACLR2", and "ACLR3". If the signb port is unused, this parameter is ignored. If omitted, the default is "ACLR3".
MULTIPLIER_REGISTER0 String No Specifies the clock signal for the register immediately following the first multiplier. Values are "UNREGISTERED", "CLOCK0", "CLOCK1", "CLOCK2", and "CLOCK3". If omitted, the default is "CLOCK0".
MULTIPLIER_ACLR0 String No Specifies the asynchronous clear signal for the register immediately following the first multiplier. Values are "ACLR0", "ACLR1", "ACLR2", and "ACLR3". If omitted, the default is "ACLR3".
MULTIPLIER_REGISTER1 String No Specifies the clock signal for the register immediately following the second multiplier. Values are "UNREGISTERED", "CLOCK0", "CLOCK1", "CLOCK2", and "CLOCK3". If omitted, the default is "CLOCK0".
MULTIPLIER_ACLR1 String No Specifies the asynchronous clear signal for the register immediately following the second multiplier. Values are "ACLR0", "ACLR1", "ACLR2", and "ACLR3". If omitted, the default is "ACLR3".
MULTIPLIER_REGISTER2 String No Specifies the clock signal for the register immediately following the third multiplier. Values are "UNREGISTERED", "CLOCK0", "CLOCK1", "CLOCK2", and "CLOCK3". If omitted, the default is "CLOCK3".
MULTIPLIER_ACLR2 String No Specifies the asynchronous clear signal for the register immediately following the third multiplier. Values are "ACLR0", "ACLR1", "ACLR2", and "ACLR3". If omitted, the default is "ACLR3".
MULTIPLIER_REGISTER3 String No Specifies the clock signal for the register immediately following the fourth and all subsequent multipliers. Values are "UNREGISTERED", "CLOCK0", "CLOCK1", "CLOCK2", and "CLOCK3". If omitted, the default is "CLOCK3".
MULTIPLIER_ACLR3 String No Specifies the asynchronous clear signal for the register immediately following the fourth and all subsequent multipliers. Values are "ACLR0", "ACLR1", "ACLR2", and "ACLR3". If omitted, the default is "ACLR3".
MULTIPLIER1_DIRECTION String No Specifies whether the second multiplier adds or subtracts its value from the sum. Values are "ADD" and "SUB". If the addnsub1 port is used, this parameter is ignored. If omitted, the default is "ADD".
ADDNSUB_MULTIPLIER_REGISTER1 String No Specifies the clock signal for the first register on the addnsub1 input. Values are "UNREGISTERED", "CLOCK0", "CLOCK1", "CLOCK2", and "CLOCK3". If the addnsub1 port is unused, this parameter is ignored. If omitted, the default is "CLOCK0".
ADDNSUB_MULTIPLIER_ACLR1 String No Specifies the asynchronous clear signal for the first register on the addnsub1 input. Values are "ACLR0", "ACLR1", "ACLR2", and "ACLR3". If the addnsub1 port is unused, this parameter is ignored. If omitted, the default is "ACLR3".
ADDNSUB_MULTIPLIER_PIPELINE_REGISTER1 String No Specifies the clock signal for the second register on the addnsub1 input. Values are "UNREGISTERED", "CLOCK0", "CLOCK1", "CLOCK2", and "CLOCK3". If the addnsub1 port is unused, this parameter is ignored. If omitted, the default is "CLOCK0".
ADDNSUB_MULTIPLIER_PIPELINE_ACLR1 String No Specifies the asynchronous clear signal for the second register on the addnsub1 input. Values are "ACLR0", "ACLR1", "ACLR2", and "ACLR3". If omitted, the default is "ACLR3".
MULTIPLIER3_DIRECTION String No Specifies whether the fourth and all subsequent odd-numbered multipliers add or subtract their results from the total. Values are "ADD" and "SUB". If the addnsub3 port is used, this parameter is ignored. If omitted, the default is "ADD".
ADDNSUB_MULTIPLIER_REGISTER3 String No Specifies the clock signal for the first register on the addnsub3 input. Values are "UNREGISTERED", "CLOCK0", "CLOCK1", "CLOCK2", and "CLOCK3". If the addnsub3 port is unused, this parameter is ignored. If omitted, the default is "CLOCK0".
ADDNSUB_MULTIPLIER_ACLR3 String No Specifies the asynchronous clear signal for the second register on the addnsub3 input. Values are "ACLR0", "ACLR1", "ACLR2", and "ACLR3". If the addnsub3 port is unused, this parameter is ignored. If omitted, the default is "ACLR3".
ADDNSUB_MULTIPLIER_PIPELINE_REGISTER3 String No Specifies the clock signal for the first register on the addnsub3 input. Values are "UNREGISTERED", "CLOCK0", "CLOCK1", "CLOCK2", and "CLOCK3". If the addnsub3 port is unused, this parameter is ignored. If omitted, the default is "CLOCK0".
ADDNSUB_MULTIPLIER_PIPELINE_ACLR3 String No Specifies the asynchronous clear signal for the second register on the addnsub3 input. Values are "ACLR0", "ACLR1", "ACLR2", and "ACLR3". If the addnsub3 port is unused, this parameter is ignored. If omitted, the default is "ACLR3".
OUTPUT_REGISTER String No Specifies the clock signal for the output register. Values are "UNREGISTERED", "CLOCK0", "CLOCK1", "CLOCK2", and "CLOCK3". If omitted, the default is "CLOCK0".
OUTPUT_ACLR String No Specifies the asynchronous clear signal for the output register. Values are "ACLR0", "ACLR1", "ACLR2", and "ACLR3". If omitted, the default is "ACLR3".
DEDICATED_MULTIPLIER_CIRCUITRY String No Specifies whether to use dedicated multiplier circuitry. Values are "AUTO", "ON", and "OFF". If omitted, the default is "AUTO". This parameter is available for Mercury, Stratix, and Stratix GX devices only.

NOTE This topic prints best in Landscape orientation.

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