-- -- Dalton Project -- Tony Givargis, Rilesh Patel, Deepa Varghese, Roman Lysecky, Puneet Mehra -- 12/21/98 -- Version 1.2 -- Modified on 7/23/99 - BRIDGE0 & BRIDGE2 introduced. -- --*************************************************************************-- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.all; --*************************************************************************-- entity BRIDGE is generic(START_ADDR : INTEGER := 512); port( rst : in STD_LOGIC; clk : in STD_LOGIC; data : inout UNSIGNED(31 downto 0); addr : in UNSIGNED(22 downto 0); rd : in STD_LOGIC; wr : in STD_LOGIC; rdy : out STD_LOGIC; pdata : inout UNSIGNED(31 downto 0); paddr : out UNSIGNED(22 downto 0); ior : out STD_LOGIC; iow : out STD_LOGIC; ale : out STD_LOGIC; iochrdy : in STD_LOGIC); end BRIDGE; --*************************************************************************-- -- -- A buffer size of 2 for the writes. So that we that we must have at least -- 3 successive writes before blocking occurs. -- architecture BHV_BRIDGE_2 of BRIDGE is -- -- type declarations -- type STATE_TYPE is (IDLE_S, READ_S, READWAIT_S,READWAIT2_S, WRITE_S, WRITEWAIT_S, WRITEWAIT2_S); type ISA_STATE_TYPE is (IDLE_ISA_S, WAIT1_R_S, WAIT2_R_S, CHKRDY_R_S, WAIT1_W_S, WAIT2_W_S, CHKRDY_W_S); -- -- constant declarations -- constant Z_32 : UNSIGNED(31 downto 0) := "ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ"; constant C1_32 : UNSIGNED(31 downto 0) := "00000000000000000000000000000001"; constant C0_32 : UNSIGNED(31 downto 0) := "00000000000000000000000000000000"; constant C0_23 : UNSIGNED(22 downto 0) := "00000000000000000000000"; -- -- signal declarations -- signal isa_addr, isa_addr2, isa_addr3 : UNSIGNED(22 downto 0); signal isa_data, isa_data2, isa_data3, isa_data_read : UNSIGNED(31 downto 0); signal write_done, read_done, isa_rd, isa_wr : STD_LOGIC; signal state : STATE_TYPE; signal isa_state : ISA_STATE_TYPE; begin -- -- communicate with high speed bus -- process(rst,clk) begin if(rst = '1') then -- -- steady state -- data <= Z_32; rdy <= '1'; isa_addr <= C0_23; isa_addr2 <= C0_23; isa_data <= C0_32; isa_data2 <= C0_32; isa_rd <= '0'; isa_wr <= '0'; state <= IDLE_S; elsif(clk'event and clk = '1') then -- -- steady state -- data <= Z_32; rdy <= '1'; isa_rd <= '0'; isa_wr <= '0'; case state is when IDLE_S => if( rd = '1' ) then if( conv_integer(addr) >= START_ADDR ) then isa_addr <= addr; isa_rd <= '1'; rdy <= '0'; state <= READ_S; end if; elsif( wr = '1' ) then if( conv_integer(addr) >= START_ADDR ) then isa_addr <= addr; isa_data <= data; isa_wr <= '1'; state <= WRITE_S; end if; else state <= IDLE_S; end if; when READ_S => rdy <= '0'; if( read_done = '1' ) then data <= isa_data_read; rdy <= '1'; state <= IDLE_S; else state <= READ_S; end if; when READWAIT_S => rdy <= '0'; if( write_done = '1' ) then isa_addr <= isa_addr2; isa_rd <= '1'; state <= READ_S; else state <= READWAIT_S; end if; when READWAIT2_S => rdy <= '0'; if( write_done = '1' ) then isa_addr <= isa_addr2; isa_data <= isa_data2; isa_addr2 <= isa_addr3; isa_wr <= '1'; state <= READWAIT_S; else state <= READWAIT2_S; end if; when WRITE_S => if( write_done = '1' ) then if( rd = '1' ) then if( conv_integer(addr) >= START_ADDR ) then isa_addr <= addr; isa_rd <= '1'; rdy <= '0'; state <= READ_S; else state <= IDLE_S; end if; elsif( wr = '1' ) then if( conv_integer(addr) > START_ADDR ) then isa_addr <= addr; isa_data <= data; isa_wr <= '1'; state <= WRITE_S; else state <= IDLE_S; end if; else state <= IDLE_S; end if; else if( rd = '1' ) then if( conv_integer(addr) >= START_ADDR ) then isa_addr2 <= addr; state <= READWAIT_S; rdy <= '0'; end if; elsif( wr = '1' ) then if( conv_integer(addr) > START_ADDR ) then isa_addr2 <= addr; isa_data2 <= data; state <= WRITEWAIT_S; end if; else state <= WRITE_S; end if; end if; when WRITEWAIT_S => if( write_done = '1' ) then isa_addr <= isa_addr2; isa_data <= isa_data2; isa_wr <= '1'; state <= WRITE_S; else if( rd = '1' ) then if( conv_integer(addr) >= START_ADDR ) then isa_addr3 <= addr; state <= READWAIT2_S; rdy <= '0'; end if; elsif( wr = '1' ) then if( conv_integer(addr) > START_ADDR ) then isa_addr3 <= addr; isa_data3 <= data; rdy <= '0'; state <= WRITEWAIT2_S; end if; else state <= WRITEWAIT_S; end if; end if; when WRITEWAIT2_S => rdy <= '0'; if( write_done = '1' ) then isa_addr <= isa_addr2; isa_data <= isa_data2; isa_addr2 <= isa_addr3; isa_data2 <= isa_data3; isa_wr <= '1'; state <= WRITEWAIT_S; else state <= WRITEWAIT2_S; end if; when others => state <= IDLE_S; end case; end if; end process; -- -- ISA process -- process(clk, rst) begin if( rst = '1' ) then pdata <= Z_32; paddr <= C0_23; ior <= '0'; iow <= '0'; ale <= '0'; read_done <= '0'; write_done <= '0'; isa_data_read <= C0_32; isa_state <= IDLE_ISA_S; elsif(clk'event and clk = '1') then -- -- steady state -- pdata <= Z_32; paddr <= C0_23; ior <= '0'; iow <= '0'; ale <= '0'; read_done <= '0'; write_done <= '0'; case isa_state is when IDLE_ISA_S => if( isa_rd = '1' ) then ale <= '1'; paddr <= isa_addr; isa_state <= WAIT1_R_S; elsif( isa_wr = '1' ) then ale <= '1'; paddr <= isa_addr; isa_state <= WAIT1_W_S; else isa_state <= IDLE_ISA_S; end if; when WAIT1_R_S => paddr <= isa_addr; ior <= '1'; isa_state <= WAIT2_R_S; when WAIT2_R_S => paddr <= isa_addr; ior <= '1'; isa_state <= CHKRDY_R_S; when CHKRDY_R_S => paddr <= isa_addr; ior <= '1'; if(iochrdy = '1') then isa_data_read <= pdata; read_done <= '1'; isa_state <= IDLE_ISA_S; else isa_state <= CHKRDY_R_S; end if; when WAIT1_W_S => paddr <= isa_addr; pdata <= isa_data; iow <= '1'; isa_state <= WAIT2_W_S; when WAIT2_W_S => paddr <= isa_addr; pdata <= isa_data; iow <= '1'; isa_state <= CHKRDY_W_S; when CHKRDY_W_S => paddr <= isa_addr; pdata <= isa_data; iow <= '1'; if(iochrdy = '1') then write_done <= '1'; isa_state <= IDLE_ISA_S; else isa_state <= CHKRDY_W_S; end if; when others => isa_state <= IDLE_ISA_S; end case; end if; end process; end BHV_BRIDGE_2; --*************************************************************************-- --configuration CFG_BRIDGE2 of BRIDGE is -- for BHV_BRIDGE_2 -- end for; --end CFG_BRIDGE2; -- end of file --