Steps for power analysis of the reference design(DIGCAM) using the provided synthesis scripts. _______________________________________________________________________________ Synthesizing individual cores in DIGCAM. 1. For each core there exists a file called CORE_syn.scr. Running this script by itself will synthesize the given core and produce two file: - CORE_GATE.db (Synopsys internal format) - CORE_GATE.vhd (VHDL gate-level file) To run the script, enter the follwoing command in dc_shell include CORE_syn.scr (Please note that this script will exit dc_shell upon exit. Remove "exit" from the script file to avoid this) _______________________________________________________________________________ MODIFICATIONS: The following two modificattion to the gate-level vhdl files in order for simulation to work. 1. Comment out the line that define UNSIGNED type. This is not needed and will result in errors. 2. Add the following configuration to the end of the file. configuration CFG_CORE_SYN of CORE is for SYN end for; end CFG_CORE_SYN; _______________________________________________________________________________ Synthesizing and simulating the DIG_CAM. 1. Synthesize the entire design using the DIG_CAM_syn.scr. 2. Modify the gate-level VHDL output as described above. 3. Change the DIG_CAM_TB.vhd. In the configuration for the DIG_CAM_TB, ensure that it is using the synthesized gate-level design. ie. for DIG_CAM_1 : DIG_CAM use configuration WORK.CFG_DIG_CAM_SYN; end for; 4. Run the simulation by running sim.scr from the command prompt. This will output a toggle file "dig_cam_vss_toggle_count". 5. Convert the toggle file using the following command. sim2dp -vss dig_cam_vss_toggle_count > dig_cam_sa.scr NOTE: sim2dp is a script provided within the synopsys package. 6. Then run the "power.scr" or "power_high.scr" file from within dc_shell to provide the power analysis results.