-- VHDL data flow description generated from `msn_y` -- date : Fri Jan 22 08:57:46 1993 -- Entity Declaration ENTITY msn_y IS GENERIC ( CONSTANT area : NATURAL := 3024; -- area CONSTANT rup : NATURAL := 1596; -- rup CONSTANT rdown : NATURAL := 1044; -- rdown CONSTANT cin_i : NATURAL := 40; -- cin_i CONSTANT cin_l : NATURAL := 71 -- cin_l ); PORT ( i : in BIT; -- i l : in BIT; -- l f : out BIT; -- f vdd : in BIT; -- vdd vss : in BIT -- vss ); END msn_y; -- Architecture Declaration ARCHITECTURE behaviour_data_flow OF msn_y IS SIGNAL dff_s : REG_BIT REGISTER; -- dff_s BEGIN ASSERT ((vdd and not (vss)) = '1') REPORT "power supply is missing on msn_y" SEVERITY WARNING; label0 : BLOCK (l = '0' AND NOT l'stable) BEGIN dff_s <= GUARDED not (i); END BLOCK label0; f <= dff_s; END;