Section 2: Specify Simulator Settings

The Quartus II software allows you to simulate an entire design, or to simulate any part of a design. You can designate any design entity in a project as the "simulation focus," which is the design entity you want to simulate.

The Simulator settings allow you to specify the simulation focus, the type of simulation that should be performed, the time period covered by the simulation, the source of vector stimuli, and other options.

You can create and save your own customized groups of settings for use with the Quartus II Simulator, or you can use the settings that are generated automatically each time you create a new project.

NOTE The procedures in this session explain how to view and edit Simulator settings using menu commands and dialog boxes. However, you can also easily specify all Simulator settings by following the steps in the Simulator Settings Wizard (Assignments menu).

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Step 1: View the Simulator General Settings.