
Programming Module

The Programmer allows you to use files generated by the Compiler to program and/or configure all Altera® devices supported by the Quartus® II software. You can use the Programmer and supported programming hardware to easily program or configure a working device in minutes. After a successful compilation, you can download configuration data into a device through the MasterBlaster or ByteBlasterMV communications cables, or through the Altera Programming Unit (APU).

You can configure devices in Passive Serial mode, Active Serial Programming mode, JTAG mode, or In-Socket Programming mode. You can program one or more configuration devices in JTAG mode. These devices can be programmed in the top-to-bottom order specified in the programming list of the Programmer window. However, the Programming tutorial module explains how to program only a single device.

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If you did not sequentially complete the Design Entry, Compilation, Timing Analysis, and Simulation tutorial modules before starting this module, open and compile the programming project.

If you already sequentially completed the Design Entry, Compilation, Timing Analysis, and Simulation tutorial modules, proceed to Section 1: Program an Altera Device.