Step 2: Define a Child LogicLock Region

To define a LogicLock region that is a child of the filter parent LogicLock region, follow these steps:

  1. In the LogicLock Regions window, select the filter LogicLock region name in the Region name column.

  2. Choose New (right button pop-up menu). A new child LogicLock region with the default name Region_0 appears under the filter region in the LogicLock Regions window and in the Timing Closure floorplan.

  3. To rename the default Region_0 LogicLock region name, double-click the Region_0 cell in the Region name column. An editable text box appears in the cell.

  4. Type mult3 in the text box to replace the default name and press Enter.

  5. In the LogicLock Regions window, double-click the folder icon next to the mult3 LogicLock region name. The Contents tab of the LogicLock Region Properties dialog box appears automatically.

  6. Click the Size tab.

  7. To specify that mult3 is a fixed size LogicLock region, select Fixed under LogicLock region size.

  8. Under Settings, make sure 1 is specified in the Width box, and that MegaLABs is selected in the list.

  9. Under Settings, type 1 in the Height box.

  10. Click Set size.

  11. Click the Location tab.

  12. Under State, make sure Floating is selected.

  13. Click OK. The mult3 fixed size, floating state, child LogicLock region appears in the LogicLock Regions window and Timing Closure floorplan as defined.

  14. Show Me
    Child LogicLock Region

    Child LogicLock Region

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Step 3: Define Other Child LogicLock Regions.