Step 9: Name the Pins

To name the input and output pins, follow these steps:

  1. With the Selection and Smart Drawing Tool, double-click the default pin_name pin name of the first input pin symbol you entered.

  2. To rename the pin_name default block name, type clkx2 and press Enter.

    NOTE You can also specify the pin name by double-clicking the pin, and then specifying the pin name in the General tab of the Pin Properties dialog box.

  3. Show Me

    Renamed Pin

  4. Repeat steps 1 and 2 to rename each of the pins with the following names:

    Pin Type: Rename As: Description:
    INPUT clkx2 (already entered) Derived clock for the FIR filter.
    INPUT clk Base clock for the FIR filter.
    INPUT d[7..0] Data input to the FIR filter.
    INPUT reset Reset signal for the FIR filter.
    INPUT newt Input signal that loads the data input d[7..0] into the taps function.
    OUTPUT yn_out[7..0] The FIR filter output data.
    OUTPUT yvalid Indicates that the yn[7..0] filter output of the acc function is valid.
    OUTPUT next Indicates that the FIR filter is ready for the next 8-bit data input.

  5. Move the INPUT and OUTPUT pin symbols so they line up with the appropriate symbols or blocks, as shown in the following illustration:

  6. Show Me

    Input and Output Pin Symbol Positions

  7. Choose Save (File menu).

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Section 3: Connect Symbols & Blocks.