Step 2: Create the taps Block

Follow these steps to create the taps block in the filtref.bdf file:

  1. In the Block Editor window, click the Block Tool button on the toolbar.

  2. Show Me

    Block Editor Toolbar

  3. Click a blank space in the Block Editor and drag the Block Tool pointer until the block is the size you want.

  4. Show Me

    Block Symbol

    NOTE You can use the Undo and Redo commands (Edit menu) to make corrections, if necessary.

  5. Click the Selection and Smart Drawing Tool button on the toolbar.

  6. With the Selection and Smart Drawing Tool, double-click the block_name default block name.

  7. To rename the block_name default block name, type taps and press Enter.

    NOTE You can also specify the block name by double-clicking the block, and then specifying the block name in the General tab of the Block Properties dialog box.

  8. With the Selection and Smart Drawing Tool, double-click in the I/O column of the taps block. The I/Os tab of the Block Properties dialog box appears automatically.

  9. Under I/O, type clk in the Name box as the first port name, and in the Type list, select INPUT.

  10. Click Add. The clk port name appears in the Existing block I/Os list.

  11. Show Me

  12. Repeat steps 7 and 8 to enter each of the port names shown in the following table:

    NOTE You can also type in all of the input port names at once, separating each name by a comma, and then click Add.

    Name: Type:
    clk (already entered) INPUT
    reset INPUT
    sel[1..0] INPUT
    newt INPUT
    d[7..0] INPUT
    x[7..0] OUTPUT

  13. Click OK. You have now specified the input and output ports of the taps block.

  14. Select the taps block.

  15. Choose AutoFit (right button pop-up menu). This command resizes the border of the taps block to fit proportionally around the I/O ports table, and ensures that all data about the block is visible.

  16. Show Me

    taps Block

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Step 3: Create the state_m, hvalues, and acc Blocks.