Step 4: Display the MegaLAB View

You can view the interior MegaLAB structures of the device in the floorplan. Each MegaLAB contains a number of LABs, one ESB, and a MegaLAB Interconnect structure.

To display the MegaLABs of the device in the Floorplan Editor window, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Interior MegaLABs (View menu). The Floorplan Editor displays the MegaLABs in the device. Unused resources are shown in white, by default. Used resources are color-coded to reflect the interconnect used in fitting.

  2. Show Me

    MegaLAB View in the Floorplan Editor

  3. In column 1 row A, click the + icon to expand MegaLAB_A1. The MegaLAB expands to show its individual LABs.

  4. Choose Interior Cells (View menu).

  5. After you are finished looking at the Last Compilation floorplan, choose Close (File menu).

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Section 5: Assign Logic to an ESB.