Step 1: Create a Logic Option Assignment

To assign the state_m:inst1 design entity to ESB product term logic, follow these steps:

  1. In the Project Navigator, click the Hierarchies tab.

  2. NOTE The Project Navigator appears by default when you start the Quartus II software. However, if necessary, you can display the Project Navigator by turning on Utility Windows > Project Navigator (View menu).

  3. In the Hierarchies tab, click the + icon to expand the filtref hierarchy.

  4. In the filtref hierarchy, select the state_m:inst1 design entity name.

  5. Show Me

    filtref Project Hierarchy Displayed in the Project Navigator

  6. Choose Assignment Organizer (right button pop-up menu). The Assignment Organizer dialog box appears, with the Edit specific entity & node settings for option selected, and with the hierarchical path name of the state_m:inst1 entity shown in the Name box.

  7. In the Assignment Categories list, click the + icon to expand Options for Entities Only.

  8. Click the Click here to add a new assignment text.

  9. Under Assignment, in the Name list, select Technology Mapper -- APEX 20K/20KE/20KC/APEX II/ARM-based Excalibur.

  10. In the Setting list, select Product Term.

  11. Show Me

    Assignment Organizer

  12. Click Add. The logic option assignment appears in the Assignment Categories list.

  13. Click OK.

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Step 2: Recompile the Design.