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Programming Module

The Programmer allows you to use files generated by the Compiler to program and/or configure all Altera® devices supported by the Quartus® II software. You can use the Programmer and supported programming hardware to easily program or configure a working device in minutes. After a successful compilation, you can download configuration data into a device through the MasterBlaster or ByteBlasterMV communications cables, or through the Altera Programming Unit (APU).

You can configure devices in Passive Serial mode, Active Serial Programming mode, JTAG mode, or In-Socket Programming mode. You can program one or more configuration devices in JTAG mode. These devices can be programmed in the top-to-bottom order specified in the programming list of the Programmer window. However, the Programming tutorial module explains how to program only a single device.

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If you did not sequentially complete the Design Entry, Compilation, Timing Analysis, and Simulation tutorial modules before starting this module, open and compile the programming project.

If you already sequentially completed the Design Entry, Compilation, Timing Analysis, and Simulation tutorial modules, proceed to Section 1: Program an Altera Device.

Open & Compile the Programming Project

If you have not already sequentially completed the Design Entry, Compilation, Timing Analysis, and Simulation tutorial modules, you must first open the programming project before you can begin working in the Programming tutorial module.

To open the programming project, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Open Project (File menu). The Open Project dialog box appears.

  2. In the \qdesigns\fir_filter\program subdirectory, select the Altera-provided program_fir_filter.quartus project file in the Files list.

  3. Click Open.

  4. Choose Start Compilation (Processing menu). The Compiler compiles the design.

  5. When you receive a message indicating that compilation was successful, click OK.

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Section 1: Program an Altera Device.

Section 1: Program an Altera Device

When you are getting ready to program or configure a device, you need to open the Programmer and create a Chain Description File (.cdf) that stores device name, device order, and programming and hardware setup information. You can use CDFs to program or configure one or more devices in a JTAG chain or a Passive Serial chain.

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Step 1: Open the Programmer Window.

Step 1: Open the Programmer Window

To open the Programmer window and create a CDF, follow these steps:

  1. Choose New (File menu). The New dialog box appears.

  2. In the New dialog box, click the Other Files tab.

  3. In the Other Files tab, select Chain Description File.

  4. Other Files Tab in the New Dialog Box

  5. To create the CDF, click OK. The Programmer window opens with a blank CDF.

  6. Choose Save As (File menu). The Save As dialog box appears.

  7. In the Save As dialog box, type fir_filter.cdf in the File name box. In the Save as type list, make sure that Chain Description File is selected.

  8. Click Save. If you are asked to replace an existing CDF, click Yes.

NOTE You can also open the Programmer window by choosing Programmer (Tools menu).

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Step 2: Set Up a Passive Serial Chain.

Step 2: Set Up a Passive Serial Chain

To set up configuration for a single device in a Passive Serial chain, follow these steps:

  1. In the Mode list of the Programmer window, select Passive Serial.

  2. Under Programming Hardware, click Setup. The Hardware Setup dialog box appears.

  3. Click Add Hardware. The Add Hardware dialog box appears.

  4. In the Hardware Type list, select either ByteBlasterMV or MasterBlaster and, if necessary, select the port and baud rate in the Port and Baud rate lists.

  5. Click OK.

  6. In the Hardware Setup dialog box, click Close.

  7. Click Add File. The Select Programming File dialog box appears.

  8. Specify the filtref.sof file, located in the project's directory, in the File name box.

  9. Click Open.

  10. Passive Serial Chain in the Programmer Window

  11. Choose Save (File menu).

NOTE If you want to program multiple devices, you can repeat steps 4 through 5 to add additional devices. However, for the purposes of this tutorial, only one programming file is necessary.

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Step 3: Configure the Device.

Step 3: Configure the Device

To configure the device(s), follow these steps:

  1. To attach the appropriate communications cable to your PC or UNIX workstation, perform one of the following steps:

  2. Checkmark To program with a MasterBlaster download cable, attach the MasterBlaster cable to an RS-232 cable connected to a serial RS-232 port on the PC or UNIX workstation, or a USB cable connected to a USB port on the PC.
    Checkmark To program with a ByteBlasterMV download cable, attach the ByteBlasterMV cable to a fully populated DB25-to-DB25 cable connected to a parallel port.

  3. Click Start in the Programmer window. When you receive a message indicating that the configuration is complete, click OK.

Go to: Refer to the Quartus II Installation & Licensing for PCs manual or the Quartus II Installation & Licensing for UNIX and Linux Workstations manual for more information about setting up programming hardware.

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Step 4: Change Programming Modes.

Step 4: Change Programming Modes

When configuring an APEX 20K device, you can switch between JTAG and Passive Serial programming modes. If you select JTAG mode, both configuration and programming options appear in the window. However, only the Program/Configure option is available for APEX 20K devices. All other options that appear in JTAG mode, are available only for configuration devices.

To change the programming mode:

Checkmark In the Programmer window, select JTAG in the Mode list.

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Step 5: Add a Device to a Chain.

Step 5: Add a Device to a Chain

You can add devices to a JTAG or Passive Serial chain using the Programmer window. When you add a configuration device to the chain, you can turn on the Examine option to load the programming data from the device into a temporary buffer. Then, you can save the programming data to a Programmer Object File (.pof).

If you want the Programmer to bypass a device in the chain, that is, to allow data to pass through it without performing any programming action, turn off all programming options—Program, Verify, Blank-Check, and Examine—for the device.

To add a device to a JTAG chain, follow these steps:

  1. In the Programmer window, click Add Device. The Select Devices dialog box appears.

  2. In the Device family list, turn on the device family of the device you want to add.

  3. In the Device name list, turn on the device you want to add.

  4. Click OK.

  5. Choose Save (File menu).

NOTE If you want to add additional devices, you can repeat steps 1 through 4. However, for the purposes of this tutorial, only one device is necessary.

Go to: For more information about using the Programmer, you can refer to "Programmer Introduction" in Quartus II Help.

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If you want to begin the Advanced tutorial, proceed to the ARM®-based Excalibur module.

If you want to start another tutorial module, return to Start the Tutorial.