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LogicLock Module

LogicLock regions are flexible, reusable floorplanning constraints that increase your ability to guide logic placement in the target device. LogicLock regions support team-oriented, modular design by enabling you to optimize logic blocks individually. You can then import the optimized logic blocks into a larger design to preserve the optimized performance.

This LogicLock tutorial module uses an Altera®-provided hierarchical design to teach you how to use the LogicLock feature of the Quartus II software to optimize a lower-level design entity, preserve the optimized constraints and performance, and import the LogicLock constraints into the top-level design.


This Advanced tutorial module assumes that you are familiar with the basic functionality of the Quartus II software, as described in the Basic tutorial modules.

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Section 1: View the Top-Level Design.

Section 1: View the Top-Level Design

The LogicLock tutorial module uses the Altera-provided largefilter and filter projects to teach you how to use the LogicLock feature. These projects (and their associated files) are installed on your computer during the Quartus II installation process. The top-level 16-tap largefilter design instantiates four instances of the 4-tap filter design entity. For convenience, the filter design entity has already been isolated in the filter project.

largefilter Top-Level Design Schematic

largefilter Top-Level Design Schematic

filter Sub-Design Schematic

filter Sub-Design Schematic

This section guides you through the steps necessary to open and compile the top-level largefilter design and view the non-optimized timing analysis results to obtain a baseline timing performance. Subsequent sections teach you how to use LogicLock constraints to optimize the filter design entity, and then import the LogicLock constraints into the top-level largefilter project.

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Step 1: Open the largefilter Top-Level Project.

Step 1: Open the largefilter Top-Level Project

To open the largefilter top-level project, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Open Project (File menu). The Open Project dialog box appears.

  2. In the \qdesigns\logiclock\largefilter subdirectory, select the Altera-provided largefilter.quartus project file in the Files list.

  3. Click Open.

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Step 2: Specify Timing Requirements.

Step 2: Specify Timing Requirements

To specify the default required fMAX for the largefilter design, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Timing Settings (Assignments menu). The Timing Settings page of the Settings dialog box appears.

  2. In the Category list, select Clocks under Timing Settings. The Clocks page appears.

  3. Under Specify circuit frequency as, select Default required fmax.

  4. In the Default required fmax box, type 80 and select MHz in the list.

  5. thumb

  6. Click OK.

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Step 3: Compile the Design.

Step 3: Compile the Design

To compile the top-level largefilter design, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Start Compilation (Processing menu).

  2. When you receive a message indicating that compilation was successful, click OK. A message that appears in the Messages window indicates that timing requirements were not met.

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Step 4: View Pre-Optimized Timing Analysis Results.

Step 4: View Pre-Optimized Timing Analysis Results

After you compile the largefilter design, you can view the speed performance in the fmax section of the Compilation Report.

To view the pre-optimized speed performance of the largefilter top-level design, follow these steps:

  1. In the left pane of the Compilation Report window, click the + icon to expand the Timing Analyses folder.

  2. Under the Timing Analyses folder, select the fmax section. The fmax section displays the worst-case speed performance of the design. The fmax section displays performance results in red, indicating that the specified fMAX requirement was not achieved in the design. Note that all performance violations are related to the multiplier operators in the design.

  3. Non-Optimized Performance Results

    Non-Optimized Performance Results

The following tutorial sections describe how to use the LogicLock feature to optimize the multiplier operators and achieve performance goals.

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Step 5: View Fitting Results in the Floorplan.

Step 5: View Fitting Results in the Floorplan

After a successful compilation, you can view the fitting results in either the Last Compilation floorplan or the Timing Closure floorplan. The Last Compilation floorplan shows how the Compiler implemented the logic of a design into an Altera device. The Timing Closure floorplan is optimized with additional floorplanning features that allow you to view and edit LogicLock regions, in conjunction with other user assignments and Fitter placement, to help achieve timing closure.

To open the Timing Closure floorplan, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Timing Closure Floorplan (Assignments menu). The Timing Closure floorplan appears, showing how the Compiler implemented the logic of the design.

  2. NOTE You can click and drag the borders of the Floorplan Editor window to resize the window as necessary.

  3. Choose Field View (View menu). Field View displays the major device resources in a high-level, outline view, allowing you to visualize fitting and critical timing closure components in an uncluttered format.

  4. Move the mouse over some of the used device resources in the floorplan. The names of the signals appear in a tool tip. These fitting results show that without LogicLock constraints, the Fitter applies a broad fitting effort that disperses the multiplier operators throughout the device.

  5. Non-Optimized Fitting Results

    Non-Optimized Fitting Results

  6. When you are finished looking at the Timing Closure floorplan, choose Close (File menu).

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Section 2: Optimize the filter Design Entity.

Section 2: Optimize the filter Design Entity

LogicLock placement constraints allow you to optimize each block of a hierarchical design, then lock down the relative placement of the block so that the block's performance is preserved during subsequent compilations or for use in a larger design. You can save the optimized synthesis results in a Verilog Quartus Mapping File (.vqm) in order to properly export the block from one project to another.

This tutorial section shows you how to direct the Compiler to save the synthesis results of the filter design entity in a VQM File following compilation. You can then use the VQM File to import the logic of the optimized block into the top-level largefilter design.

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Step 1: Open the filter Project.

Step 1: Open the filter Project

To open the filter project, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Open Project (File menu). The Open Project dialog box appears.

  2. In the \qdesigns\logiclock\filter subdirectory, select the Altera-provided filter.quartus project file in the Files list.

  3. Click Open.

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Step 2: Save Intermediate Synthesis Results.

Step 2: Save Intermediate Synthesis Results

You can direct the Compiler to save synthesis results in a VQM File following compilation. The VQM File is an ATOM-based netlist that preserves the node names when the entity is exported and synthesized in another design.

To direct the Compiler to save intermediate synthesis results, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Settings (Assignments menu). The Settings dialog box appears.

  2. In the Category list, select Fitting under Compiler Settings. The Fitting page appears.

  3. Under Timing-driven compilation, make sure Optimize timing is turned on, and that Normal compilation is selected in the list.

  4. To avoid placing registers in I/O cells when optimizing a sub-entity, turn off Optimize I/O cell register placement for timing. Turning off this option ensures that sub-entity I/Os that do not exist in the top-level design are not exported.

  5. Fitting Page (Compiler Settings)

    Fitting Page (Compiler Settings)

  6. In the Category list, select Synthesis under Compiler Settings. The Synthesis page appears.

  7. Turn on Save a node-level netlist into a persistent source file.

  8. To save the filter.vqm file to the top-level project directory following compilation, type D:\qdesigns\logiclock\largefilter\filter.vqm in the File name box.

  9. Synthesis & Fitting Tab

    Synthesis & Fitting Tab

  10. Click OK to save the settings.

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Step 3: Specify Timing Requirements.

Step 3: Specify Timing Requirements

To specify the default required fMAX for the filter design, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Timing Settings (Assignments menu). The Timing Settings page of the Settings dialog box appears.

  2. In the Category list, select Clocks under Timing Settings. The Clocks page appears.

  3. Under Specify circuit frequency as, select Default required fmax.

  4. In the Default required fmax box, type 80 and select MHz in the list. This requirement matches the fMAX requirement in the top-level largefilter design.

  5. thumb

    Clocks Page (Timing Settings)

  6. Click OK.

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Step 4: Perform Analysis & Synthesis on the Design.

Step 4: Perform Analysis & Synthesis on the Design

During analysis and synthesis the Compiler analyzes the design files for syntax and semantic errors, extrapolates the design hierarchy, and synthesizes the logic.

To perform analysis and synthesis on the design, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Start > Start Analysis & Synthesis (Processing menu). The Compiler analyzes and synthesizes the design.

  2. When you receive a message indicating that analysis and synthesis was successful, click OK.

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Section 3: Create LogicLock Regions.

Section 3: Create LogicLock Regions

A LogicLock region is a type of placement constraint. You can define any arbitrary rectangular region of physical resources on the target device as a LogicLock region. You can create LogicLock regions in either the Timing Closure or Current Assignments floorplan, or in the LogicLock Regions window. By assigning nodes or entities to a LogicLock region, you direct the Compiler to place those nodes or entities inside the region during fitting. The LogicLock regions you create are displayed in the floorplan. All LogicLock regions are defined by two parameters: size and state. You can define the following three types of LogicLock regions:

LogicLock Region Type:
Fixed size, locked state The region is defined as a specific height and width. Location is assigned to specific device resource. Locked state regions are designated by a solid border in the floorplan.
Fixed size, floating state The region is defined as a specific height and width. The Quartus II software chooses the most appropriate location for the region. Floating state regions are designated by a dashed border in the floorplan.
Auto-size, floating state The Quartus II software determines the optimum size and location for the region. Auto-size regions are designated by a dotted border in the floorplan.

LogicLock regions can be nested hierarchically. Making one LogicLock region the child of another LogicLock region places the child region inside its parent region and specifies that the child's location is relative to the parent location. When you move a parent region, its child regions maintain their placement relative to the parent region.

NOTE Nested LogicLock regions can only be created with the LogicLock Regions window.

LogicLock Regions

LogicLock Regions

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Step 1: Define a LogicLock Region.

Step 1: Define a LogicLock Region

To define a LogicLock region, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Timing Closure Floorplan (Assignments menu). The Timing Closure floorplan appears.

  2. Choose LogicLock Regions Window (Assignments menu). The LogicLock Regions window appears.

  3. NOTE You can undock the LogicLock Regions window at any time by clicking anywhere on the window and turning off Enable Docking (right button pop-up menu).

    LogicLock Regions Window

    LogicLock Regions Window

  4. To create a parent LogicLock region, double-click the <<new>> cell in the Region name column. An editable text box appears in the cell.

  5. To name the LogicLock region, type filter in the text box and press Enter. A LogicLock region of default size and state appears in the LogicLock Regions window and in the Timing Closure floorplan.

  6. LogicLock Regions Window

    LogicLock Regions Window

  7. In the LogicLock Regions window, double-click the folder icon next to the filter LogicLock region name. The Contents tab of the LogicLock Region Properties dialog box appears automatically.

  8. Click the Size tab.

  9. To specify that filter is a fixed size LogicLock region, select Fixed in the Size tab.

  10. Under Settings, make sure 1 is specified in the Width box and that MegaLABs is selected in the list.

  11. Under Settings, type 5 in the Height box.

  12. Click Set size.

  13. LogicLock Regions Window

    LogicLock Regions Window

  14. Click the Location tab.

  15. Under State, make sure Floating is selected.

  16. Click OK. The filter fixed size, floating state, parent LogicLock region appears in the LogicLock Regions window and Timing Closure floorplan as defined.

  17. LogicLock Regions Window

    LogicLock Region in Floorplan

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Step 2: Define a Child LogicLock Region.

Step 2: Define a Child LogicLock Region

To define a LogicLock region that is a child of the filter parent LogicLock region, follow these steps:

  1. In the LogicLock Regions window, select the filter LogicLock region name in the Region name column.

  2. Choose New (right button pop-up menu). A new child LogicLock region with the default name Region_0 appears under the filter region in the LogicLock Regions window and in the Timing Closure floorplan.

  3. To rename the default Region_0 LogicLock region name, double-click the Region_0 cell in the Region name column. An editable text box appears in the cell.

  4. Type mult3 in the text box to replace the default name and press Enter.

  5. In the LogicLock Regions window, double-click the folder icon next to the mult3 LogicLock region name. The Contents tab of the LogicLock Region Properties dialog box appears automatically.

  6. Click the Size tab.

  7. To specify that mult3 is a fixed size LogicLock region, select Fixed under LogicLock region size.

  8. Under Settings, make sure 1 is specified in the Width box, and that MegaLABs is selected in the list.

  9. Under Settings, type 1 in the Height box.

  10. Click Set size.

  11. Click the Location tab.

  12. Under State, make sure Floating is selected.

  13. Click OK. The mult3 fixed size, floating state, child LogicLock region appears in the LogicLock Regions window and Timing Closure floorplan as defined.

  14. Child LogicLock Region

    Child LogicLock Region

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Step 3: Define Other Child LogicLock Regions.

Step 3: Define Other Child LogicLock Regions

To define additional child LogicLock regions, follow these steps:


Repeat steps 1 through 13 described in Step 2: Define a Child LogicLock Region to create three additional child LogicLock regions with the identical options listed in the following tables:

Specify these options for the mult2 child LogicLock region:

Option: Setting:
Name mult2
LogicLock region size Fixed
Width 1 MegaLAB
Height 1 row
State Floating

Specify these options for the mult1 child LogicLock region:

Option: Setting:
Name mult1
LogicLock region size Fixed
Width 1 MegaLAB
Height 1 row
State Floating

Specify these options for the mult0 child LogicLock region:

Option: Setting:
Name mult0
LogicLock region size Fixed
Width 1 MegaLAB
Height 1 row
State Floating

Child LogicLock Regions

Child LogicLock Regions

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Step 4: Assign Logic to LogicLock Regions.

Step 4: Assign Logic to LogicLock Regions

Assigning nodes or entities to a LogicLock region directs the Compiler to place those nodes or entities inside the region during fitting. You can assign nodes and entities to LogicLock regions by using the Assignment Organizer dialog box (Assignments menu) or by dragging and dropping them from the Node Finder or from the Compilation Hierarchies tab of the Project Navigator.

To assign logic to the LogicLock regions, follow these steps:

  1. In the Project Navigator, click the Hierarchies tab.

  2. NOTE The Project Navigator appears by default when you start the Quartus II software. However, if necessary, you can display the Project Navigator by turning on Utility Windows > Project Navigator (View menu).

  3. In the Hierarchies tab, click the + icon to expand the filter hierarchy.

  4. Hierarchies Tab of Project Navigator

    Hierarchies Tab of Project Navigator

  5. In the Hierarchies tab, select the filter design entity name.

  6. To assign the logic of the filter design entity to the filter LogicLock region, drag the filter entity name onto the filter LogicLock region name in the LogicLock Regions window. The logic of the filter entity is now assigned to the LogicLock region.

  7. In the LogicLock Regions window, move the mouse pointer over filter LogicLock region name. The properties of the region, including the assigned filter entity, appear in a tool tip, indicating that the logic of the filter entity is now assigned to the LogicLock region.

  8. filter Assigned to Region_Filter LogicLock Region

    filter Assigned to Region_Filter LogicLock Region

  9. Repeat steps 3 through 5 to assign logic to the following LogicLock regions:
  10. Drag design entity: To LogicLock region:
    mult:mult_i0 mult0
    mult:mult_i1 mult1
    mult:mult_i2 mult2
    mult:mult_i3 mult3

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Section 4: Compile the Optimized Design.

Section 4: Compile the Optimized Design

During compilation, the Compiler settings control design processing. The Compiler locates and processes all timing requirements and LogicLock region assignments and generates the VQM File that is necessary to preserve the design entity's performance when integrated into a larger design. When the compilation is complete, you can view the results of timing analysis in the Compilation Report.

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Step 1: Compile the Design.

Step 1: Compile the Design

To compile the optimized filter design and generate the VQM File, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Start Compilation (Processing menu).

  2. When you receive a message indicating that compilation was successful, click OK to close the message box. A message that appears in the Messages window indicates that all timing requirements were met.

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Step 2: View Optimized Timing Analysis Results.

Step 2: View Optimized Timing Analysis Results

After you compile the filter design, you can view the speed performance in the fmax section of the Compilation Report.

To view the speed performance of the optimized filter design, follow these steps:

  1. In the left pane of the Compilation Report window, click the + icon to expand the Timing Analyses folder.

  2. Under the Timing Analyses folder, select the fmax section. The fMAX information appears in a table. The fmax section displays the performance information in black, indicating that the specified fMAX requirement was achieved in the design.

  3. Timing Analysis Results

    Optimized Timing Analysis Results

The final tutorial sections describe how to import LogicLock constraints to preserve this optimized performance in the top-level design.

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Step 3: View the LogicLock Regions in the Floorplan.

Step 3: View the LogicLock Regions in the Floorplan

After a successful compilation, you can view the LogicLock fitting results in the Timing Closure floorplan. The floorplan shows how the Compiler implemented the LogicLock region constraints in the design.

To view the LogicLock regions in the floorplan, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Timing Closure Floorplan (Assignments menu). The floorplan shows the user-defined LogicLock region, as well as how the Fitter actually implemented the floating LogicLock region in the device.

  2. LogicLock Regions

    LogicLock Regions

    NOTE You can click and drag the borders of the Floorplan Editor window to resize the window as necessary.

  3. Click the Selection and Smart Drawing Tool button on the toolbar.

  4. With the Selection and Smart Drawing Tool, point to some of the used resources within the Fitter assigned LogicLock regions. The names of the signals indicate that the appropriate logic is constrained by the LogicLock regions.

  5. When you are finished looking at the Timing Closure floorplan, choose Close (File menu).

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Section 5: Export the LogicLock Constraints.

Section 5: Export the LogicLock Constraints

When you back-annotate LogicLock region constraints, the Quartus II software saves all the constraints in an ESF. This ESF preserves the size, location and member nodes of a LogicLock region. You can then export the ESF and import it into the top level design to implement the LogicLock region constraints.

The following tutorial section teaches you how to perform LogicLock back-annotation, and export the LogicLock constraints to the top-level project.

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Step 1: Back-Annotate LogicLock Placement.

Step 1: Back-Annotate LogicLock Placement

When you are satisfied with the Compiler's implementation of a LogicLock region, you can back-annotate its size, location, and/or contents for use on subsequent compilations. Back-annotating a LogicLock region's size and location preserves the region's height, width, and contents in an ESF. Back-annotating a LogicLock region's contents preserves the relative location of each node in the region, as well as the region's size and location.

To back-annotate the size, location, and contents of all LogicLock regions in the design, follow these steps:

  1. Choose LogicLock Regions Window (Assignments menu). The LogicLock Regions window appears.

  2. In the LogicLock Regions window, double-click the folder icon next to the filter LogicLock region name. The Contents tab of the LogicLock Region Properties dialog box appears automatically.

  3. Click Back-Annotate Contents and click Yes when asked to demote cell assignments. The back-annotated nodes appear in the Back-annotated Node list.

  4. Click OK.

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Step 2: Export the ESF to the Top-Level Project.

Step 2: Export the ESF to the Top-Level Project

To export the ESF containing the filter LogicLock constraints to the top-level project, follow these steps:

  1. In the LogicLock Regions window, select the filter LogicLock region name.

  2. Choose Export LogicLock Regions (Assignments menu). The Export LogicLock Regions dialog box appears.

  3. In the Export focus full hierarchy path box, make sure filter is specified.

  4. In the File name box, type D:\qdesigns\logiclock\largefilter\filter.esf or click Browse (...) to select this directory.

  5. Export Dialog Box

    Export Dialog Box

  6. Click OK. The ESF is exported to the top-level project directory.

  7. Close the LogicLock Regions window.

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Step 3: Open the largefilter Top-Level Project.

Step 3: Open the largefilter Top-Level Project

To open the largefilter top-level project, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Open Project (File menu). The Open Project dialog box appears.

  2. In the \qdesigns\logiclock\largefilter subdirectory, select the largefilter.quartus project file in the Files list.

  3. Click Open.

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Step 4: Add the VQM File to the Top-Level Project.

Step 4: Add the VQM File to the Top-Level Project

To ensure that node names do not change when the filter design entity is synthesized in the top-level design, you must replace the original filter.edf file in the project with the filter.vqm file that you generated during incremental synthesis.

To replace the filter.edf file with the filter.vqm file in the top-level project, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Add/Remove Files in Project (Project menu). The Add/Remove page of the Settings dialog box appears automatically.

  2. In the File name list, select the filter.edf file.

  3. To remove the file from the project, click Remove.

  4. In the File name box, type filter.vqm or click Browse (...) to select the file from the \qdesigns\logiclock\largefilter subdirectory.

  5. General Settings Dialog Box

    Add/Remove Page (Files & Directories)x

  6. Click OK.

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Section 6: Import the LogicLock Constraints.

Section 6: Import the LogicLock Constraints

When you import a lower-level ESF that contains LogicLock region constraints, the Quartus II software adds these constraints to the top-level ESF. In addition, the Quartus II software automatically instantiates multiple instances of the LogicLock region where appropriate. For example, when you import the LogicLock constraints for the single 4-tap filter design entity into the top-level design, the Quartus II software automatically applies the constraints to all four instances of the 4-tap filter in the largefilter design.

To prevent placement conflicts, the Compiler assigns imported parent LogicLock regions as floating locations. However, it preserves the location of any imported child regions relative to their parents.

This tutorial section teaches you how to import LogicLock constraints into the top-level project, recompile the design, and view the optimized results.

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Step 1: Perform Analysis & Elaboration on the Design.

Step 1: Perform Analysis & Elaboration on the Design

To successfully import LogicLock constraints, you must first perform analysis and elaboration on the design. During analysis and elaboration the Compiler submits the design to the Database Builder, which analyzes the design files for syntax and semantic errors, and extrapolates the hierarchy and the instances of each design entity. The Compiler stops when the Database Builder module finishes processing the design file(s).

To perform analysis and elaboration on the design, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Start > Start Analysis & Elaboration (Processing menu). The Compiler analyzes the design.

  2. When you receive a message indicating that analysis and elaboration was successful, click OK.

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Step 2: Import the LogicLock Constraints.

Step 2: Import the LogicLock Constraints

To import the LogicLock constraints into the top-level project, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Import LogicLock Regions (Assignments menu). The Import LogicLock Regions dialog box appears.

  2. Under Assignment categories, make sure Import LogicLock region assignments and other node or entity assignments is selected.

  3. Under Assignment categories, turn off Import pin assignments.

  4. Under LogicLock import settings, select Create new LogicLock regions and update the currently selected LogicLock region(s). If you are asked if you want to overwrite the current origin settings of the LogicLock regions with the origin settings in the imported Entity Settings File, click OK.

  5. To import the LogicLock Regions, click OK.

  6. Choose LogicLock Regions Window (Assignments menu). Four instances of the filter LogicLock region name appear in the LogicLock Regions window, indicating that these constraints are applied to the four identical filter design entities in the top-level design.

  7. Imported LogicLock Constraints

    Imported LogicLock Constraints

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Step 3: Compile the Top-Level Design.

Step 3: Compile the Top-Level Design

To implement the imported LogicLock regions by compiling the top-level design, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Start Compilation (Processing menu). The Compiler compiles the design.

  2. When you receive a message indicating that compilation was successful, click OK. A message that appears in the Messages window indicates that all timing requirements were met.

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Step 4: View Optimized Timing Analysis Results.

Step 4: View Optimized Timing Analysis Results

After you compile the optimized largefilter design, you can view the speed performance in the fmax section of the Compilation Report to verify the optimized performance of the the top-level design.

To view the optimized speed performance of the largefilter top-level design, follow these steps:

  1. In the left pane of the Compilation Report window, click the + icon to expand the Timing Analyses folder.

  2. Under the Timing Analyses folder, select the fmax section. The fmax section displays the optimized speed performance of the design. The design's performance is improved by the use of LogicLock regions.

  3. Optimized Performance Results

    Optimized Performance Results

To continue the tutorial, proceed to Step 5: View the LogicLock Regions in the Floorplan.

Step 5: View the LogicLock Regions in the Floorplan

After a successful compilation, you can view the LogicLock fitting results in the Timing Closure floorplan. The floorplan shows how the Compiler implemented the LogicLock region constraints in the top-level design.

To view the LogicLock regions in the floorplan, follow these steps:

  1. Choose Timing Closure Floorplan (Assignments menu). The LogicLock regions are displayed in the floorplan.

  2. To show only Fitter assigned LogicLock placement, turn off Assignments > Show User Assignments (View menu).

  3. Optimized LogicLock Placement

    Optimized LogicLock Placement

    NOTE You can click and drag the borders of the Floorplan Editor window to resize the window as necessary.

  4. Click the Selection and Smart Drawing Tool button on the toolbar.

  5. With the Selection and Smart Drawing Tool, point to some of the used resources within the Fitter assigned LogicLock regions. The names of the signals indicate that the appropriate logic is constrained by the LogicLock regions.

  6. When you are finished looking at the Timing Closure floorplan, choose Close (File menu).

Decision Point Icon spacer
If you want to continue to the next tutorial module, proceed to the Stratix module.

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