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Waveform Editor

Opening a Waveform Window

You can open a waveform window in one of five ways.

To open a waveform file from the Project Navigator:

  1. Create a new project or open an existing project.

  2. Open the Project Navigator.

  3. Click the Files tab.

  4. Open a Vector Waveform File (.vwf).


To open a non-editable waveform that shows the simulation results:

  1. Run a simulation.

  2. Open the Simulator Report window.

  3. In the Waveform Section of the Report window of the Simulator, click the waveform icon.  More Details

Alternative Procedure for Opening a Waveform with Simulation Results


To open a waveform from the File menu:

NOTE Choose the Open command (File menu) and select the appropriate SignalTap® II File (.stp) file, Table (.tbl) file, Vector (.vec) file, or VWF.


To open a waveform from the Messages window:

Checkmark Follow the steps in Locating the Source of a Message.

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- Last Modified: 01/05/2003 12:05:10 -


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