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reset_path (Tcl Script API Function)

The reset_path function has the following format:

Syntax reset_path  [-setup ] [-hold]  [-from <from_pin_list>]  [-to <to_pin_list>]


-setup Specifies that only setup paths are to be removed. Optional.
-hold Specifies that only hold paths are to be removed. Optional.
-from <from_pin_list> List of start or source points for the timing path, for example, {clk1 clk2 ...}. These can be input pins, internal nodes, or clock pins. You must use either the -from <from_pin_list> or -to <to_pin_list> option. Optional.
-to <to_pin_list> List of end or destination points for the timing path, for example, {clk1 clk2 ...}. These can be output pins, internal nodes, or clock pins. You must use either the -from <from_pin_list> or -to <to_pin_list> option. Optional.

Return Value

Code Name Code String Return


Usage: reset_path [-setup] [-hold] [-from <from_pin_list>] [-to <to_pin_list>]

TCL_ERROR 1 One or more Quartus® II settings and configuration files are not writable
TCL_ERROR 1 Quartus II settings and configuration files may be corrupted
TCL_ERROR 1 Unknown problem in processing the command
TCL_ERROR 1 Unknown command-line option <name>
TCL_ERROR 1 A Tcl transaction is in progress and must be completed before executing:
TCL_ERROR 1 Project has no active compiler setting
TCL_ERROR 1 No project is currently open
TCL_ERROR 1 Must use at least either one -from or -to option
TCL_ERROR 1 Must specify either -setup or -hold option
Description Removes the specified timing path assignments from the current design. If neither the -setup or -hold option is specified, then both setup and hold paths are removed.

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