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Block Editor

Specifying Parameters Properties for a Parameterizable Symbol

To specify parameters properties for a parameterizable symbol that is not a primitive:

  1. If you have not already done so, open or create a Block Design File (.bdf) or a Block Symbol File (.bsf)  More Details.

  2. Select the appropriate symbol.

  3. Choose Properties (Edit menu).  Shortcut

  4. In the Symbol Properties dialog box, click the Parameters tab.

  5. Under Parameter, specify the parameter Name, Setting, and Description.

  6. To add a new parameter to the Existing parameter settings list, click Add .

  7. To delete a parameter, click Delete.

  8. To assign a new value and description for an existing parameter in the Existing parameter settings list, click Change.

  9. To specify more symbol properties, click any other tab or click OK.

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- Last Modified: 01/05/2003 11:55:38 -


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