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Generate Debug Information

Directs the Software Builder to use a software toolset assembler to generate debug information for the Assembly Files (.s, .asm) that you are using to generate a Binary File (.bin), Hexadecimal (Intel-Format) File (.hex), or Motorola S-Record File (.srec). The assembler places the debug information in the intermediate Executable and Linkable Format File (.elf) that the Software Builder generates when generating the BIN File, HEX File, or SREC File.

The Software Builder uses the assembler of the software toolset you selected in the Software toolset list in the CPU page of the Settings dialog box (Assignments menu). If you select Custom build in the Software toolset list, this option is dimmed to indicate that it is not available.

For the best results when debugging, Altera® recommends turning on Generate debug information in the C/C++ Compiler page of the Settings dialog box as well as in the Assembler page.

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- Last Modified: 01/05/2003 11:54:56 -


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