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Specifying Software Toolset Assembler Settings

To specify software toolset assembler settings:

NOTE You can also specify these software build settings with the Software Build Settings wizard.

  1. Create a new project or open an existing project.

  2. If you have not already done so, specify the directory for the ADS Standard Tools, GNUPro for ARM®, or GNUPro for Nios® software toolset.

  3. Specify software build settings.

  4. Choose Settings (Assignments menu). Shortcut

  5. In the Category list, select CPU under Software Build Settings.

  6. In the Software toolset list, specify the software toolset you want the Software Builder to use by selecting ADS Standard Tools, GNUPro for ARM, or GNUPro for Nios.

  7. In the Category list, select Assembler.

  8. In the Preprocessor definitions box, type any preprocessor definitions you want the Software Builder to use on Assembly Files (.s, .asm) before using the assembler on the files.

  9. In the Additional include directories box, type the names of the directories you want the assembler to search for include files.

  10. Specify settings for debugging the Binary File (.bin), Hexadecimal (Intel-Format) File (.hex), or Motorola S-Record File (.srec) that you are generating using the assembler.

  11. If you do not want the assembler to generate warnings during the software build, turn on Suppress warnings.

  12. If you want the Software Builder to use a C/C++ preprocessor on the Assembly Files before using the assembler on the files, turn on Use C preprocessor.

  13. In the Command-line options box, type any additional options you want the assembler to use during the software build.

  14. Click OK.

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- Last Modified: 01/05/2003 11:54:48 -


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