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EDA Interfaces

2. Set Up the DesignWare Interface (Design Compiler Software)

The DesignWare interface synthesizes designs by operator inference for all Altera® devices supported by the Quartus® II software except ARM®-based Excalibur, MAX® 3000, and MAX 7000 devices. It replaces the HDL operators +, -, >, <, >=, and <= with optimized design implementations.

Altera provides DesignWare synthetic libraries that are precompiled for the current version of Synopsys® tools. These library files are located in the /usr/quartus/eda/synopsys/dc/syn/<device family>/lib directory.

To set up the DesignWare interface:

  1. If you have not already done so, perform 1. Set up the Design Compiler Working Environment.

  2. Add synthetic_library and define_design_lib parameters to your .synopsys_dc.setup configuration file and modify the link_library parameter as shown in Table 1 or Table 2.

    Table 1. DesignWare Parameters to Add to the .synopsys_dc.setup File for the Design Compiler Software
    Device Family
    Parameters to Add to the .synopsys_dc.setup File
    ACEX® 1K synthetic_library = {acex1k.sldb}; Enter
    link_library = {acex1k.sldb acex1k.db};
    define_design_lib DW_ACEX1K -path /usr/quartus/eda/synopsys/dw/lib Enter
    APEX 20K synthetic_library = {apex20k-3.sldb}; Enter
    link_library = {apex20k-3.sldb apex20k-3.db};
    define_design_lib DW_APEX20K-3 -path /usr/quartus/eda/synopsys/dw/lib Enter
    APEX 20KC synthetic_library = {apex20kc-3.sldb}; Enter
    link_library = {apex20kc-3.sldb apex20kc-3.db};
    define_design_lib DW_APEX20KC-3 -path /usr/quartus/eda/synopsys/dw/lib Enter
    APEX 20KE synthetic_library = {apex20ke-3.sldb}; Enter
    link_library = {apex20ke-3.sldb apex20ke-3.db};
    define_design_lib DW_APEX20KE-3 -path /usr/quartus/eda/synopsys/dw/lib Enter
    APEX II synthetic_library = {apexii-3.sldb}; Enter
    link_library = {apexii-3.sldb apexii-3.db};
    define_design_lib DW_APEXII-3 -path /usr/quartus/eda/synopsys/dw/lib Enter
    Cyclone synthetic_library = {cyclone.sldb}; Enter
    link_library = {cyclone.sldb cyclone.db};
    define_design_lib DW_CYCLONE -path /usr/quartus/eda/synopsys/dw/lib Enter
    FLEX® 6000 synthetic_library = {flex6000-(2|3).sldb}; Enter
    link_library = {flex6000-(2|3).sldb flex6000-(2|3).db};
    define_design_lib DW_FLEX6000-(2|3) -path /usr/quartus/eda/synopsys/dw/lib Enter
    FLEX 10KE synthetic_library = {flex10ke-3.sldb}; Enter
    link_library = {flex10ke-3.sldb flex10ke-3.db};
    define_design_lib DW_FLEX10KE-3 -path /usr/quartus/eda/synopsys/dw/lib Enter
    Mercury synthetic_library = {mercury-3.sldb}; Enter
    link_library = {mercury-3.sldb mercury-3.db};
    define_design_lib DW_MERCURY-3 -path /usr/quartus/eda/synopsys/dw/lib Enter
    Stratix synthetic_library = {stratix-3.sldb}; Enter
    link_library = {stratix-3.sldb stratix-3.db};
    define_design_lib DW_STRATIX-3 -path /usr/quartus/eda/synopsys/dw/lib Enter
    Stratix GX synthetic_library = {stratixgx.sldb}; Enter
    link_library = {stratixgx.sldb stratixgx.db};
    define_design_lib DW_STRATIXGX -path /usr/quartus/eda/synopsys/dw/lib Enter

  3. Specify the libraries listed in Table 2 as the synthetic library for the synthetic_library parameter and as the first of your link libraries for the link_library parameter in the .synopsys_dc_setup file.

    Table 2. DesignWare Synthetic Libraries
    Altera Device Family Synopsys Design Compiler
    synthetic library
    APEX 20K
    synthetic library
    APEX 20KC
    synthetic library
    APEX 20KE
    synthetic library
    synthetic library
    synthetic library
    FLEX 6000
    synthetic library
    FLEX 10KE
    synthetic library
    synthetic library
    synthetic library
    Stratix GX
    synthetic library

  4. If necessary, compile the DesignWare libraries. Altera provides precompiled DesignWare libraries, as described above. However, Altera also provides compilable source files and scripts that allow you to automate the compilation process. These source files allow you to use DesignWare with any version of the Design Compiler. They also allow you to install components whose source is written in VHDL.

    To compile the DesignWare libraries for all Altera devices supported by the Quartus II software except ARM-based Excalibur and MAX 3000 devices, type the following commands at the UNIX prompt:

    cd /usr/quartus/eda/synopsys/bin Enter

  5. To continue with the Design Compiler design flow, proceed to 3. Create a Design for Use with the Design Compiler Software.

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- Last Modified: 01/05/2003 11:54:04 -


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