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EDA Interfaces

Advanced VHDL Simulation Options Dialog Box

NOTE You open this dialog box by selecting a VHDL simulation tool under the EDA tools list in the EDA Tool Settings page of the Settings dialog box (Assignments menu), and clicking Advanced. This option is available only if you select ModelSim (VHDL output from Quartus II), ModelSim (Verilog output from Quartus II), ModelSim OEM (VHDL output from Quartus II), or ModelSim OEM (Verilog output from Quartus II).

Allows you to specify options for performing a timing simulation of VHDL Output Files (.vho) using the ModelSim software, after compilation with the Quartus II software.

Pointer Click any item in this dialog box for information on that item:

Advanced VHDL Simulation Options OK Cancel

- PLDWorld -

- Last Modified: 01/05/2003 11:53:52 -


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