VHDL PaceMaker Web Edition Licence Agreement

Licence Agreement

1. The enclosed programs (herein known as software) contains copyright material in which Doulos and/or its suppliers retain proprietary rights. The use of this software is strictly limited to the terms set out in this Licence and the receipt by electronic transfer or by CD-ROM or otherwise and use of the software shall be deemed to be acceptance of these terms whether or not payment was made for the receipt of the software. Doulos reserves all rights not explicitly granted herein. At all times Doulos and/or its suppliers retain ownership of the software.

2. Doulos authorises the use of this software on the following conditions,

2a. you may access the software on a single computer at any one time. If the software is installed on a common CD-ROM drive or disk drive and accessed by multiple computers, an additional licence is required for each computer,

2b. you may copy part of the software using only the supplied set-up utility and only on to a single computer at any one time,

2c. you may transfer the software with these Licence Conditions to another party subject to the other party agreeing to accept these Licence Conditions. In such circumstances you must provide to the other party the full software and any accompanying hard copy documents and destroy all copies or portions of the software and documents and you will immediately cease to have any further rights with respect to
the software and the licence for use of the software transfers to the other party,

2d. you must ensure that you reproduce and include the copyright notice in any copy of the software or portion of the same, whether or not merged into other software,

2e. you may not use copy modify or transfer the software (or any copy or merged portion of the software) in whole or in part except as expressly permitted by this licence,

2f. you may not rent lease or sell the software to another party,

2g. nothing in this licence shall affect the statutory rights of consumers.

3. Part of this software contains copyright material supplied to Doulos pursuant to a Software Licence Agreement from Asymetrix Corporation ("Asymetrix"). Its use within the software is conditional upon the following terms,

3a. you are prohibited from any use which contravenes the terms of the Asymetrix Licence (a copy of which is available from Doulos on receipt by Doulos of a written request),

3b. you ensure that the software will not be provided to, used on or accessed through a public computer bulletin board or shareware distribution process,

3c. you will not use or create new applications designed to operate in an Asymetrix Toolbook or Asymetrix Multimedia Toolbook environment,

3d. you do not use or permit the use of any clip files in a library of clip files,

3e. that you hold harmless Asymetrix and its suppliers from and against any damages or liabilities including attorneys or other legal fees that arise or result from claims or lawsuits regarding the use or distribution of the program.

4. US Government Restricted Rights - parts of the software and written material accompanying the software are provided with Restricted Rights. Use duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in sub-paragraph (c) (1) (ii) of the rights and technical data and computer software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 or sub-paragraphs (c) (1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer Software Restricted Rights 48CFR52.227-19, as applicable.

5. Doulos believe the program provided is free of defects in materials and workmanship. However no warranty is offered that the program will be interruption or error free. In any event neither Doulos nor its
suppliers (including Asymetrix) will be liable to you for any indirect incidental consequential or other loss or damage arising out of or in connection with your use or inability to use the software or manual, the breach of any express or implied warranty or condition or otherwise in connection with the software the manuals and/or this Licence even if Doulos has been advised of the possibility of such damages. In no event shall Doulos (or its suppliers) total liability for any damages direct or indirect in connection with the software the manuals and/or this Licence exceed the Licence fee paid for your right to use this copy of the software whether such liability arises from any claim based upon contract warranty tort or otherwise and this clause shall ensure for the benefit of Doulos and its suppliers (including Asymetrix and its suppliers).

6. This licence shall be construed in accordance with the laws of England.

Doulos, Church Hatch, 22 Market Place, Ringwood, BH24 1AW, Hants., U.K.

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Copyright 1995-1997 Doulos
This page was last updated 8
th May 1997

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