-- +---------------------------+ -- | designer : Tim Pagden | -- | opened: 30 Sep 1993 | -- +---------------------------+ library maths; package matrix_class is use maths.maths_class.all; -- *** TYPES *** type vfp_ulogic is ('0', '1', 'Z', 'X'); type vfp_ulogic_2D_array is array (INTEGER range <>, INTEGER range <>) of vfp_ulogic; type integer_vector is array (INTEGER range <>) of INTEGER; type single_vector is array (INTEGER range <>) of single; type double_vector is array (INTEGER range <>) of double; type integer_matrix is array (INTEGER range <>, INTEGER range <>) of INTEGER; type single_matrix is array (INTEGER range <>, INTEGER range <>) of single; type double_matrix is array (INTEGER range <>, INTEGER range <>) of double; -- *** SUBPROGRAMS *** -- function to_std_ulogic_vector (a: word) return std_ulogic_vector; function sum_of_products ( -- 19.11.94 lower_limit : INTEGER; upper_limit : INTEGER; a_in : single_vector; b_in : single_vector ) return single; function shift_fifo ( fifo : single_vector; -- signal fifo : single_vector; data_in : single ) return single_vector; function reverse_order (table : single_vector) return single_vector; function "*" ( multiplicand : single_matrix; multiplier : single_matrix ) return single_matrix; procedure split ( input_string : STRING; output_array : out integer_vector; separator : STRING; num_fields : out INTEGER ); end matrix_class;