-- +-----------------------------+ -- | Copyright 1995-1996 DOULOS | -- | Library: memory | -- | designer : Tim Pagden | -- | opened: 26 Nov 1995 | -- +-----------------------------+ -- Architectures: -- 12.02.96 original PASSED SIMULATION library memory; architecture original of sram_64k_16 is use memory.sram_core_GENERIC_cmpt.all; constant address_width : integer := 16; constant data_width : integer := 16; attribute dnh_file_name : string(1 to 12); attribute dnh_file_name of sram_64k_16 : entity is architecture_DNH_filename; begin G1: sram_core_GENERIC generic map ( address_width => address_width, data_width => data_width ) port map ( address => address, CS => CS, WE => WE, OE => OE, data_in => data_in, data_out => data_out ); end original;